30 Day Affiliate Marketing Blueprint

There are many tasks associated with being a successful affiliate marketer. From reviewing products to researching solutions for your audience and knowing how to get eyes on your recommendations, it’s an ongoing process that takes both time and dedication to your niche audience.

Many online entrepreneurs try to rush the process, slapping up several reviews for days and then quitting because they didn’t see results. If you want to truly cultivate a lucrative career as an affiliate marketer, you’ll want to follow this blueprint that has you immersing yourself in focused tasks for 30 days so that you build a profitable foundation for your business.

Day 1: Pick a Niche Poised for Growth

It’s a given that when you choose a niche, you’re going to want to have a real interest in it. To be chained to a business where you’re creating content day in, day out about a topic without having a passion for it would be grueling.

But for profitability purposes, you need to know that others share the same interest as you, which means the niche is growing over time in terms of market sales. You want the expansion to be a steady upswing, and you can easily search for industry stats to make sure that’s what’s happening.

If the niche is steady, or even falling, rather than growing, it could be cause for concern. When a niche is blowing up, it needs to be a long-term event, and not just a short period of time when something is trending in the news about it.

Day 2: See What the Buzz Is

Market stats can only tell you so much. You need to know why a niche is experiencing growth so that you can capitalize on its strengths and momentum. To do this, you can keep tabs on the news that’s coming out about your niche.

There are trade and consumer magazines you can subscribe to, industry newsletters for some niches, and of course, news sites and search engine news tabs that can tell you more about what’s being said.

Keep track of the slants and discussions you see unfolding because you’ll be able to use this to your advantage when creating content that helps you rise in the SERPs (search engine results pages).

Day 3: Ensure Adequate Profit Potential

Some niches are primarily tangible in nature, while others are digital – and many have a nice mix of the two, giving you even more opportunities to earn from promotions you release to your audience.

Take some time to check out affiliate programs to see what you can earn from. Visit sites like Warrior Plus and JVZoo for online marketing topics, ClickBank for a mix of many niches, Amazon, CJ and Share-a-Sale for a myriad of companies who have tangible products to ship to customers where you can earn a commission.

You want to evaluate many different things, such as how many products you feel are viable, what the price point is, and whether or not the commission is enough for you. Some companies only offer a paltry 5 or 10% but many will offer up to 70%, so as long as the product is good for your customers, you might pick and choose carefully.

Day 4: Grab a Good Dot Com Domain

Don’t even bother getting another extension when it comes time to pick a domain. Most people automatically type in .com, not .net or .info, so if someone has the .com extension of a domain you brainstormed, keeping thinking until you find something that is available.

Ideally, your domain will be something that ells people what it’s about before they even click through on it. You can achieve this by using keywords, like diettipsforketo.com or makemoneyonlinetips.com, for example.

This not only helps people, but it gives search engine bots something to go by when scanning your site, so they can categorize it for proper relevancy and present it to their users whenever the opportunity arises.

You can use keyword tools (free or paid) to brainstorm some of these keyword phrases and then try to secure a domain for it. This is one small element that can help you begin rising in the search engine results pages.

Day 5: Buy and Set Up Your Hosting

Hosting accounts range from tiny basic ones to major reseller accounts or dedicated servers. All you need is the very smallest account for now. There’s no need to spend more money than you have to right up front.

As an affiliate marketer, you’ll be installing WordPress and posting content, building a list and not much else. As time goes on, if you notice any extra needs for bandwidth or other features, you can upgrade at that time – but stick with what’s a good match for now.

Day 6: Install Your Blog

WordPress has a very simple installation process that’s based out of your cPanel. Once you log in, you just make a few clicks and entries on the WordPress QuickInstall option, and it will present you with a basic blog, ready to customize for your affiliate needs.

Day 7: Customize Your Blog

The customization of your blog is an easy process. Just go through the sidebar options one at a time and select your preferences. From colors and fonts to graphics like your header image, you’ll be able to pick and choose what represents your niche the best.  

Make sure you set up an affiliate statement page, such as the one Amazon requires. Other platforms or sellers may require certain statements declaring you have the ability to earn from your recommendations.

You can also create a contact page (in case your readers need to communicate with you or a vendor wants to ship you a free sample). Some affiliates also create an About page, which tells readers a bit about you.

Sometimes, this page has some sway, such as if you have a parenting blog and you disclose that you’re the parent of 5 children or you mention that you have 4 rescue dogs, and you’re running a dog site.

Day 8: Enter Your Tags and Categories

There’s an option for you to help people (and search engines) navigate your site better, and that’s through the use of proper tags and categories. You may want to set up the categories ahead of time so that you can simply choose one every time you get ready to publish a new product review.

For example, if you’re in the pet niche, you might have categories for pet toys, pet health, pet food, etc. Or, if you’re in a niche like weight loss, and you’re covering different diets, your categories might be keto, low calorie, Mediterranean, and so on.

You can also set up a list of tags ahead of time, or simply tag each product review as you go. Tags are like keywords that help people and search engines find the content they need.

Day 9: Put Your Finger on the Pulse of Your Audience

Your site is built, and you’re getting ready to build a list. In order to do that, and to even create the best product reviews that will convert, you need to know what problems your audience is facing that they feel are insurmountable or they need help with.

Do some research today in forums, comment sections, and on social media to see what problems people are discussing, asking for help with, and expressing frustration over. Make a list you can refer to over time whenever you want to create your list building lead magnet or a new product review.

You can also check out bestselling books to see what consumers are buying. If you’re in the diet niche, focused on individual diets, and you see a bestselling book addressing diet mindset, that might be a clue to help your readers work out their mental issues regarding weight loss instead of the technical nutrition aspects.

Day 10: Develop a Lead Magnet Worthy of Signing Up For

Once you know their pain points, you’ll be able to create a lead magnet (opt in offer) that’s a no brainer for them. Especially when it’s free, the exchange of contact information for a topic they really want to know can be irresistible.

You can create a text-based report, a full eBook or guide, a video series, a private podcast episode, or whatever media format you feel works best for you and your level of skills.

Day 11: Start Accepting Sign Ups

You can’t finalize the list building process until you have the technical ability to accept sign ups. Choose an email autoresponder like Aweber and set up your list there. Spend a day getting familiar with how to use their system.

Most autoresponders, like Aweber or GetResponse, have a database of questions and answers or helpful video tutorials walking you through how to use their system, so you can hit the ground running.

Day 12: Set Up Your Follow Up Email

When someone signs up to your list, they will be sent their welcome email, which is in your follow up system. This is something every new subscriber gets, and you want to include the link to your free gift in this email.

But from this point on, you can either drip out more follow up emails that every new subscriber gets (perfect for an evergreen niche) or, you can just email out broadcast emails (which only those on your list at that time get) on an on-going basis.

It all depends on how you want the communication to unfold – if you want a hands off approach or if you want to be actively involved and on top of the latest trends and fads in your niche.

Day 13: Get Your Forms Installed

You might have more than one form you want to use – one for your lead magnet page, one for your blog sidebar, and one for the space directly below your blog posts. Go through the form creation process and get everything installed where it needs to be before testing each one out to ensure it works.

Day 14: Brainstorm Obstacles for Your Niche

Some people in a niche struggle with something, but aren’t really sure where they’re going wrong. They may know they aren’t losing weight, but they may not know it’s because they’re calculating their macros improperly, for example.

Previously, you dug into their emotional state and looked for things they expressed an emotion about. Now, look at areas where you know there may be a problem. For example, not having the right tools or time or money, or seeing people be misguided by other niche leaders.

Day 15: Create 30 Problem-Solution Ideas

You have lists of emotional and technical problems your readers might come up against. What you need to do is figure out how you’re going to guide people to a solution that will work best for them.

It’s good to come up with a month’s worth of ideas in one sitting. You can list a problem, such as not having time to fix healthy meals, and then match it with solutions you can present as product reviews, such as meal prep containers, courses on quick and easy cooking, and so on.

Day 16: Start Putting Up Niche Content for Affiliate Approval

Before you apply to affiliate programs, you want to begin putting up content that shows you are an experienced contributor to your niche. This content will be informative and educational, inspiring and motivating.

The goal is to let vendors and companies see your worth and value when they’re deciding whether or not to give their approval. Many companies will decline applicants who have little to no content, or content that’s low quality.

You have a few ways to publish content. You can write it yourself, hire a ghostwriter to do it for you, or purchase private label rights, which is pre-written content that multiple buyers can use as their own.

Day 17: Start Applying for Links

Once your site is filled with good content, begin the application process so that you can get approved as an affiliate and post product reviews with your links. The approval process can vary from instant approval to up to 30-45 days.

Once you get approved, make sure you abide by all of the vendor or company’s rules for promoting their products. For example, some digital vendors have rules in place about not using negative language to get clicks on your links, etc.

Day 18: Study Different Ways to Create Reviews

Writing your product reviews can get boring after awhile, unless you know how to approach it in different ways. You don’t always have to write a post about just one product.

There are many ways to slant it, such as a top 10 list, pros and cons, unboxing videos, case studies, and even just putting two products up against each other and comparing the two.

Go to other product review sites just to get a feel for the different ways they can unfold for your audience. You never want to outright copy someone else’s style, but educate yourself about the process of sharing information.

Day 19: Make a Product Review Template

You don’t have to create a template, but this is something that will not only help you quickly create your product reviews, but it also helps your loyal readers know what to expect each time they read a new review from you.

You might do something where you present the problem first, then give a product summary, followed by intricate product details and features, then a list of usage tips, and ending with any drawbacks and fixes for them.

Day 20: Create a Product Review

Pick a method or slant that you want to use and choose a product (or products) to review. You want to do your best at this so that you set the bar for what you expect from yourself from that point on.

Be thorough, interesting, and transparent – the same way you’d want someone else to be if you were using their review as a purchasing guide for yourself. If you need to, you can outsource the review to a ghostwriter, but be specific about how you want the review to unfold.

Day 21: Create Graphics to Accompany Your Reviews

There are tools you can use, such as Photoshop or Canva, where you can create images that help accompany your review or represent it on social media. For example, on Canva, you can create Pinterest Pins, images for Instagram Stories and Posts, Facebook images, and more.

Day 22: Publish Your Review with SEO and Skimming in Mind

Not everyone will want to read a lengthy, full review. They may just want to see the gist of what you have to say. Regardless, you need to make sure your post allows for ease of absorption, such as skimming the bold subheadings or perusing the bulletpoints.

Use images to break up large swaths of text, and make sure you’re using SEO-appropriate measures such as categorizing and tagging it, and using tags for images, too.

Day 23: Share Your Reviews on the Right Socials

When your review is published and live, you want to create a short blurb that gets people to click through to it, and grab the link to share with it on social media sites and apps.

You want to know where your audience hangs out. It may or may not be on Facebook – you may need to share it on Instagram, Tik Tok, or Twitter instead. Make sure you look to see if there’s a substantial audience base there before you take time to generate traffic to your reviews from a site.

Day 24: Use Audio to Generate Traffic to Your Review

Many affiliates fail to grasp the power that audio has in driving traffic to their blog. You can use show notes on podcast episodes to link out to your product reviews or lead magnet page.

There are many platforms where you can create a free podcast, and no special equipment is needed. You can then share links to your podcast on various social media sites, too.

Day 25: Use YouTube and Tik Tok Videos for Review Traffic

Whether you embed it into your product review blog or just leave it where it is, using video is a smart move as an affiliate. Some affiliates take the text version of their product review and use it as a script for a video presentation.

If you use Tik Tok, you can have a link in your bio to your lead magnet page and build a list of interested buyers based on video snippets of anywhere from 15 seconds to 3 minutes.

Day 26: Email Your List

You need to get in the habit of notifying your subscribers whenever a new product review is ready on your blog. Don’t expect them to find it on their own. You don’t want to just say, “Hey! I have a new product review,” though.

Instead, you want to email them a value-based communication discussing a problem they may be experiencing, personalize it with your own story, and then let them know you created a post showing them how to fix it (before linking to it).

Day 27: Create a Bonus for an Upcoming Review

Bonuses work especially well for digital product sales, but you can even use them for tangible ones, such as a gamer guide you gift the people who purchase video games through your link or an anti-aging guide for those who buy anti-aging products through your link.

First, look at something you can review with plenty of time between now and its launch to create the bonus. It can be a short bonus, such as a 5-page report, or it can be larger if you want it to be.

Just make sure that when you create a bonus, it complements the original product nicely. For example, if you’re reviewing a keto diet program, you might give a bonus of keto diet hacks or a recipe book of desserts that are keto-friendly.

Day 28: Start Setting Yourself Up for Affiliate Perks

When reviewing digital products, many vendors will offer perks to top performing affiliates. Some don’t even ask for stats – they simply set you up for perks if you ask. One might be an advanced review copy.

This allows you to go more in-depth with your review. Other perks might be a bump in commission or a spot on their download page where you can post a banner ad that leads to your lead magnet page.

Day 29: Commit to a Consistent Affiliate Routine

Becoming a successful affiliate means being consistent with your publishing and sharing. One thing that may help is for you to create a routine whenever you sit down to knock out a review.

Start with research, then write it, create your graphics, publish it and share it on social media, then in an email. If you want to take it one step further, create a publishing schedule (you can find plugins for WordPress that help with this) to keep you on track so your site doesn’t grow stale.

Day 30: Start a Spreadsheet of Reviews

Not only do you want to have a list of upcoming reviews, but you want to be able to quickly (at a glance) look back to see what reviews you’ve already done so that nothing gets repeated.

A spreadsheet will allow you to organize reviews according to brand or vendor, price point, features and more. Then you can sort them. It can even help you take existing products you’ve reviewed and create new slants, such as a top 5 list.